Adeola Adeyeye, a 26-year-old chef from Ondo known as Chef Deo, announces that Guinness World Records has recognized her effort to cook for 150 hours. Hilda...
In a recent encounter on the road, popular Nigerian actor Charles Okocha, famously known as Igwe Tupac, and street musician Portable, sparked a wave of amusement...
A throwback video featuring popular Nigerian celebrity chef Hilda Baci and her mother, popularly known as Calabar Pot, has recently resurfaced, reigniting the excitement surrounding their...
A prophet has stirred emotions as he shares the condition of veteran Nollywood actor Clem Ohameze. Prophet Samuel King, a Nigerian clergyman who gained popularity for...
Popular Nigerian crossdresser, Bobrisky has caused a stir on social media after sharing a loved-up photo with a man whose identity is yet to be revealed....