Se kam Habs (فیلم سه کام حبس) is an Iranian social drama film written and directed by Sasan Salor and produced by Sasan Salor, produced in 2018. Parinaz Izdiyar, Mohsen Tanabandeh and Samira Hasanpour are the main actors. Sekam Habas was first screened at the 38th Fajr Film Festival and was nominated for four awards, and after three years, it was released to the public on April 30, 1402. This film was noticed with more than ten international appearances and receiving various awards from prestigious international festivals

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Users Reviews

  1. kami

    little baby Angle and mum very sad life ,thanks for this film and thanks to director and all actors and all the tems.all the best.

    9.0 rating

    little baby Angle and mum very sad life ,thanks for this film and thanks to director and all actors and all the tems.all the best.
