The film Zire Pooste Shahr (فیلم زیر پوست شهر), directed by Rakhshan Bani-Etemad, was made in 2000. This film is a product of Iran and is in the family and social genre. In this film, Gulab Adineh, Mohammad Reza Forootan, Baran Kosari, Homeira Riazi, Mehraveh Sharifinia, Ali Osivand, Mohsen Ghazi Moradi, Mehrdad Falahatgar, Maryam Bobani, Nazanin Farahani have acted as artists.
Story: In the movie Zire Pooste Shahr, Touba works as a laborer to support his poor family. Each of his four children is in their own world; One loves going to Japan, one is involved in election political games, and one has a problem with her husband. The parliamentary elections are approaching and Touba hopes that the situation will improve, but the problems of his life are not over.
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