Jonoon (فیلم سینمایی جنون) is a social and yet horror film directed and written by Kamran Qadakchian and produced in 2017. Kamran Qadakchian has previously directed films such as “Tornado”, “Back Alleys of Shemron” and “Janan”. Next to the ports of the Persian Gulf, in a special geographical area, there is a tradition called “Zar”, which is an exorcism ceremony in the south of Iran, and one group of people in that region believe it and another group does not accept it. “Behzad” believes that the spirit of “Barsad” has conquered him and this psychotic man, by entering the solitude of “Ghazal”, causes terrifying adventures and…
In this film, Mitra Hajar, Kambiz Dirbaz, Ghorban Najafi, Asha Mehrabi, Majid Jafari, Satyash Mahmoudi, Bita Kheradmand are artists.