Watch Mehmooni 2 (سریال جیران قسمت دوم) comedy series performed by Iraj Tahmasb and voiced by Hotan Shakiba, Kazem Siyahi, Soheil Mostajabian, Eli Emami, Amir Adib and Nazanin Shabani, artist Ali Zarmehri, Soheil Rahbar Zare, Sara Sabri and Ahmad Fayyaz. The director is Iraj Tahmasb and the puppet serial is made in for new year of 1401. Mehmooni is a fun and talkative program in which Iraj Tahmasb, along with funny and lovable puppets, hosts well-known figures in the field of art and sports. Mehmooni, which is a new collection of plays by Iraj Tahmasb after Red Hat, will be broadcast exclusively in Nemava from April 1401 and will bring happy and entertaining moments for the audience.

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  1. Zahra


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